Posted by: Exponent Philanthropy | March 19, 2010

Katrina @ 5: Partners in Philanthropy is a special convening of the philanthropic community, nearly five years after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, to explore the lessons of response, rebuilding, and transformation in the Gulf Coast, and how they apply to communities around the country.


This post is simply an invitation: please share your comments about Katrina @ 5. If you were at the conference, or if you didn’t attend but are interested in what we were learning and talking about for the past three days in New Orleans and along the Gulf Coast, please tell us your thoughts and observations. Thanks!


  1. Wow, I wished I had known about this conference. I would have loved to discuss the premise of the charity I founded- Heavenly Housing. The surge of volunteerism and the continued presence of volunteers in the Gulf Coast validates my theory that these volunteers need decent “permanent” housing and the Heavenly Housing model could be duplicated within a 90 day timeline…with the proper funding.

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